Saturday, April 10, 2010

April - First Week

The start of a new farm season is upon us. We enjoyed some amazing warm weather this first week of April. It revved me up. We will be working with a raised bed system this year at Blue Star Farm. The bedshaper at left will produce beds that are six inches high. What this will enable! For starters it will help keep our plants from getting water logged should we get a lot of rain (everyone knock on wood that this doesn't happen), #2 it will warm the soil for our tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, cucumbers, squash, zucchinis and melons, #3 it will provide an airy loose bed of soil for our seedlings to grow in. We will cover some of the beds with a biodegradable mulch that looks like plastic but is made out of corn. It will break down in 4-5 months and we will be able to till it right in with no residue left.

We have a new addition to our farm family, his name is Boone. He is an English Shephard and is almost 6 months old. He likes to stop, smell and taste the flowers as he goes along his way. Boonie's job is to keep all vegetable perpetrators away. We are working on this. Right now he chases Killdeer birds, catches and eats voles, and generally tries to scare all robins from the vicinity.

The hens are going full tilt in this spring weather. We have 16 ladies and we got 10 eggs just the other day. The girls are almost 4 years old and for most farmers that's probably old lady hen time for the stock pot, but I have a soft spot for chickens so they eat bugs and grass and enjoy the spring air and the wonderful sunsets. They make me laugh and the world needs more laughter!

There's nothing better than healthy vibrant seedlings in the greenhouse. These are onion and early tomato seedlings. We will keep our fingers crossed for good weather this spring and the rest of the season. Feels great to get my hands in the dirt again!

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